Specialist for Fuel Systems and Fuel Related Tasks
Welcome to Ingenieurbüro Gill
Ingenieurbüro Gill offers assistance in all areas of fuel injection equipment and alternative fuels.
Internal combustion engines rely to a very large extent on the fuel system for good performance and emissions. Today most engines have some form of injection system to supply the fuel and these systems are becoming increasingly complex. A thorough knowledge of the design and function of the system is crucial to obtaining the best out of both the fuel system and the engine.
The power and emissions of engines are also dependent on the fuel used. Today there is a great push towards renewable fuels. Even though our society is likely to be dependent on fossil fuels for many years, the use of alternative (or perhaps additional) fuels is increasing. However, all of these fuels require special handling and even special injection systems.
Here at Ingenieurbüro Gill, we have over 40 years of experience in these areas and offer support to anyone who needs our assistance.
Denis Gill
Founder of Ingenieurbüro Gill